High Peaks Education Group, commonly referred to as the ED Team, is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to supporting the well-rounded education of children at High Peaks Elementary School in Boulder, Colorado
We believe that education is a collaborative and creative process that involves the whole community. We strive to:
- Build a welcoming, accepting, and strong community between parents, teachers, and students
- Provide over the top support to our teachers
- Provide funds for educational materials and experiences for all students
- Provide an unbiased platform for sharing information on issues and ideas that impact our children
For the 2024-2025 school year, we aim to build and strengthen community within and outside the classroom. Supporting our teachers with resources is a priority to maintain High Peaks' strong academic reputation. Additionally, we plan to enhance social events and educational programs for students and families. By collaborating, we can make High Peaks Elementary a place where everyone feels valued, respected, and inspired